Learn how to artificially inseminate (AI) cattle to expand breeding practices on your own farm. This course provides in class learning on many topics and hands on practice in our Oscar Peterson AI Facility located on the Vermilion campus.
"Love the combination of Sean and Josie's knowledge. It helps to show there isn't just one right way to do things, it's whatever works for your program." - Student Quote
Topics covered include:
- insemination procedures and techniques
- reproductive anatomy
- palpation
- AI equipment and costs
- semen tanks and handling
- pregnancy testing
- sire selection based on EPD's
- estrous cycle and insemination timing
- heat detection, heat detection aids and synchronization
- reproductive diseases
- nutritional effects on reproduction
- other factors effecting reproduction
All AI materials needed for the course will be provided. You will be given your own manual to take home. Barn conditions are very wet and can be cool depending on weather. Dress in layers as you will be back and forth between the barn and the classroom. Please be sure to remove all jewelry, tie back long hair and cut nails short for the safety of you and the cattle.
Items to bring:
- pen, paper
- old t-shirt
- coveralls- preferably disposable or other splash proof clothing
- rubber boots- do not need to be steel toe (please disinfect before coming on campus)
- water bottle
All course times are listed in Mountain Time.
Please contact the program coordinator at
stephanie.kot@lakelandcollege.ca or 780-581-4234 with any questions.